Tech Trick Zone: SEO
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Friday 25 April 2014

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How To Search Engine Optimization Settings For Blogger

As we discussed in previous post On Page SEO for blogger.Now Im going tell you search engine optimization settings on whole blog.Maximum i will cover the topics  how to do and what strategy is used for better ranking in different search engines like Google,Bing and yahoo.You all know Google is one of the best search engine.It is a best source to get more and more traffic.Let begin here step by step in detailed way.

SEO Setting For Blogger:

Internal Links:

It is best strategy to reduce bounce rate and increase page visitors.Never let go members to with a single page visit.By building internal links peoples visit different pages and by that we get more traffic.So, creating internal links is best way to get in Google search result.Anchor Text is a keyword or character which is enclosed with hyperlink linking to display or open that link in new tab.In that way we target some keywords within a content which is related to other posts to open in new tab like Photo editing.

Custom Robots Tags Settings:

The below image shows the custom robot tags  settings.This settings plays a major role in search engine optimization.It helps to index your posts to search engines like Google, yahoo and Bing.It also helps you to get better rank of your website.Follow the settings of custom robots tags is go to blogger setting>search preferences>custom robot header tags>Disabled[enable it and edit settings as per below image save it]>done.
Custom RoBot Tags

Add Custom Robot.txt:

Adding robot.txt to your blog is important because this simple text is index your posts to search engines and it is also a part of SEO.By adding this text to your blog Google index your posts.It improve your daily visitors by indexing your posts to search engines.Follow the below instructions as per the below image.blogger setting>search preferences>custom robot.txt>Disabled[enable it and edit settings as per below image save it]>done.
RoBot txt

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Allow: /

Using Professional Templates:

Apart from your posts,pages and content, their is a creative design is also needed to attract peoples.Using of professional template visitors can understand your site and way.Templates should be a seo-friendly to visitors.So, they can understand your valuable contents through labels or site links.Here a websites which having free and paid templates for your blogs/websites like Templateism,Templateworld,AMA Templates


My final words is apply all settings with proper manner,incorrect of setting search engines ignore your posts and your site.Go better settings and please share this post with your friends. 

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How To Search Engine Optimization Settings For Blogger

As we discussed in previous post On Page SEO for blogger.Now Im going tell you search engine optimization settings on whole blog.Maximum i will cover the topics  how to do and what strategy is used for better ranking in different search engines like Google,Bing and yahoo.You all know Google is one of the best search engine.It is a best source to get more and more traffic.Let begin here step by step in detailed way.

SEO Setting For Blogger:

Internal Links:

It is best strategy to reduce bounce rate and increase page visitors.Never let go members to with a single page visit.By building internal links peoples visit different pages and by that we get more traffic.So, creating internal links is best way to get in Google search result.Anchor Text is a keyword or character which is enclosed with hyperlink linking to display or open that link in new tab.In that way we target some keywords within a content which is related to other posts to open in new tab like Photo editing.

Custom Robots Tags Settings:

The below image shows the custom robot tags  settings.This settings plays a major role in search engine optimization.It helps to index your posts to search engines like Google, yahoo and Bing.It also helps you to get better rank of your website.Follow the settings of custom robots tags is go to blogger setting>search preferences>custom robot header tags>Disabled[enable it and edit settings as per below image save it]>done.
Custom RoBot Tags

Add Custom Robot.txt:

Adding robot.txt to your blog is important because this simple text is index your posts to search engines and it is also a part of SEO.By adding this text to your blog Google index your posts.It improve your daily visitors by indexing your posts to search engines.Follow the below instructions as per the below image.blogger setting>search preferences>custom robot.txt>Disabled[enable it and edit settings as per below image save it]>done.
RoBot txt

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Allow: /

Using Professional Templates:

Apart from your posts,pages and content, their is a creative design is also needed to attract peoples.Using of professional template visitors can understand your site and way.Templates should be a seo-friendly to visitors.So, they can understand your valuable contents through labels or site links.Here a websites which having free and paid templates for your blogs/websites like Templateism,Templateworld,AMA Templates


My final words is apply all settings with proper manner,incorrect of setting search engines ignore your posts and your site.Go better settings and please share this post with your friends. 

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Monday 21 April 2014

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Basic On Page SEO Tricks For Blogger

Search Engine Optimization: Every Blog/Website is fully SEO to get index in search engines like Google, Bing etc.. Without doing proper optimization for a blog/website, we can't get more traffic. So, here a beginner guide On Page SEO for a blogger. For every post we have to optimize each and everything from title to till the minor heading. In this post I will complete each and everything. Most of the people fail on optimization, but they still post their posts. So, here I will teach you step by step in the brief.
On page SEO

  • How To SEO Settings For Blogger

On Page Search Engine Optimization:

Post Title Tag:

Before starting every post we have to choose a title name. For choosing a title there is a tool called Google Keyword Planner. So, this is a great tool which shows keywords searching in Google of monthly basis. By this we have to Choose A Best Keywords which people daily search in Google. Use a unique title and Don't repeat title in content, description or header. Use Title Tag Once and Don't repeat keywords in the title tag.
Post title

Relevance Of Title Tag:

The main concept of your title tag is to explain in 4-5 lines of paragraph on top. By this giving the relevance of your title tag search engine pick the keywords from the relevance of the title and from the description. Write a unique relevance and explain the concept of title tag and cover all points which you are going to explain the article. By this people is attracted to your post and read your full content.
Relevance of Post tile

Permalink Of Title Tag:

Permalink, Relevance and Title tag is one important thing is to get your post on the top page of  search engines. Use of 5-7 keywords and  for your permalink. URL of your title tag plays major role to get your post on the top page of search engine. And Use Short URL's. Avoid URL's like hyphens  like

Image Optimization:

It is also playing a major role to get your traffic from Google images. Most of the people searches images in that way also you will more traffic.  Use 2-4 images to your content and Add a caption to it. For your blog use unique resolution of an image for every post because using high resolution it takes long time to load your website. If you're downloading images from the web or making in Photoshop save it as web for devices because it reduces the image resolution and weight.

Meta Description:

It is a short description of the whole page content and title tag. While writing short description mention the keywords of title tag and write in unique when compare to title tag. Meta description below 160 characters to write about the title tag. It is also plays a major role and search engines snippets of text from meta description. So, I suggest you go with better meta description. Meta description is part of SEO.
Meta Description

King of content:

One and only one to attract people towards your websites is to be king of content. Content should be a unique, easy to view, neat and clean. Do not copy content for other websites it create troublesome to your website/blog. If you copy from others search engine duplicate your site.Write in easy language because peoples from different countries so they can understand what the content you write. It is the body part of your post.


The main setting of SEO  on your articles as above and remaining on page search engine optimization is updated soon. Please share with your friends also.
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Basic On Page SEO Tricks For Blogger

Search Engine Optimization: Every Blog/Website is fully SEO to get index in search engines like Google, Bing etc.. Without doing proper optimization for a blog/website, we can't get more traffic. So, here a beginner guide On Page SEO for a blogger. For every post we have to optimize each and everything from title to till the minor heading. In this post I will complete each and everything. Most of the people fail on optimization, but they still post their posts. So, here I will teach you step by step in the brief.
On page SEO

  • How To SEO Settings For Blogger

On Page Search Engine Optimization:

Post Title Tag:

Before starting every post we have to choose a title name. For choosing a title there is a tool called Google Keyword Planner. So, this is a great tool which shows keywords searching in Google of monthly basis. By this we have to Choose A Best Keywords which people daily search in Google. Use a unique title and Don't repeat title in content, description or header. Use Title Tag Once and Don't repeat keywords in the title tag.
Post title

Relevance Of Title Tag:

The main concept of your title tag is to explain in 4-5 lines of paragraph on top. By this giving the relevance of your title tag search engine pick the keywords from the relevance of the title and from the description. Write a unique relevance and explain the concept of title tag and cover all points which you are going to explain the article. By this people is attracted to your post and read your full content.
Relevance of Post tile

Permalink Of Title Tag:

Permalink, Relevance and Title tag is one important thing is to get your post on the top page of  search engines. Use of 5-7 keywords and  for your permalink. URL of your title tag plays major role to get your post on the top page of search engine. And Use Short URL's. Avoid URL's like hyphens  like

Image Optimization:

It is also playing a major role to get your traffic from Google images. Most of the people searches images in that way also you will more traffic.  Use 2-4 images to your content and Add a caption to it. For your blog use unique resolution of an image for every post because using high resolution it takes long time to load your website. If you're downloading images from the web or making in Photoshop save it as web for devices because it reduces the image resolution and weight.

Meta Description:

It is a short description of the whole page content and title tag. While writing short description mention the keywords of title tag and write in unique when compare to title tag. Meta description below 160 characters to write about the title tag. It is also plays a major role and search engines snippets of text from meta description. So, I suggest you go with better meta description. Meta description is part of SEO.
Meta Description

King of content:

One and only one to attract people towards your websites is to be king of content. Content should be a unique, easy to view, neat and clean. Do not copy content for other websites it create troublesome to your website/blog. If you copy from others search engine duplicate your site.Write in easy language because peoples from different countries so they can understand what the content you write. It is the body part of your post.


The main setting of SEO  on your articles as above and remaining on page search engine optimization is updated soon. Please share with your friends also.
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Monday 14 April 2014

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How to Submit Sitemap To Google,Bing and Yahoo Webmaster Tools

As know guys submitting sitemap to Google, Bing and Yahoo webmaster tools it makes your website or blog to index up to date in big three search engines. Google is one of the big and top search engine to generate your traffic.And it is also a big source to get traffic to the blog. Without submitting your sitemap to search engines not use of blog or website. So, here we discuss step by step to get index in search engines.

  • On Page SEO For Blogger

Submission Of Sitemaps:

Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools:

Google is one of top search engines as know and it is a best place to get your high traffic for your blog or website.To index each and every post we have to submit a site map google webmaster tools.So let go here step by step.

Step1:Sign in with google webmaster with your Gmail account (account associated with blog or site).

Step2:Select the blog's listed on Google webmaster
           If you don't add your site to Google webmaster then follow below steps
  • ''Add your site'' Google webmaster'' then ''continue'' after that verify your site by adding ''meta tag'' to your site under head tag and come back to webmaster click on ''verify''.
Step3: Then go to site configuration>>sitemap.

Step4: Select the button ''add/test sitemap''.

Step5: Then Enter

Step6:Done it take some times index.

Submit Sitemap to Bing,Yahoo Webmaster Tools:

After Google second biggest search engines are yahoo and bing. As you know guys bing and yahoo are same now.Submitting to bing is same as yahoo. Let's begin here.

Step1:Sign in with bing webmaster with your Gmail account.

Step2:Select blog or site as listed.
          If you don't add your site to webmaster then follow below steps
  • Add your blogspot to webmaster here.Then verify using ''meta tag'' as you did like Google verification.
Step3:''Configure my site'' and then ''sitemap''
  • Add ''sitemap.xml'' to your domain url ''http//:yourdamain/sitemap.xml''
Step4:''submit'' You are done.


At last your done!!Follow the instruction step by step and this is the best way to get your high traffic and visitors directly from Google.
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How to Submit Sitemap To Google,Bing and Yahoo Webmaster Tools

As know guys submitting sitemap to Google, Bing and Yahoo webmaster tools it makes your website or blog to index up to date in big three search engines. Google is one of the big and top search engine to generate your traffic.And it is also a big source to get traffic to the blog. Without submitting your sitemap to search engines not use of blog or website. So, here we discuss step by step to get index in search engines.

  • On Page SEO For Blogger

Submission Of Sitemaps:

Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools:

Google is one of top search engines as know and it is a best place to get your high traffic for your blog or website.To index each and every post we have to submit a site map google webmaster tools.So let go here step by step.

Step1:Sign in with google webmaster with your Gmail account (account associated with blog or site).

Step2:Select the blog's listed on Google webmaster
           If you don't add your site to Google webmaster then follow below steps
  • ''Add your site'' Google webmaster'' then ''continue'' after that verify your site by adding ''meta tag'' to your site under head tag and come back to webmaster click on ''verify''.
Step3: Then go to site configuration>>sitemap.

Step4: Select the button ''add/test sitemap''.

Step5: Then Enter

Step6:Done it take some times index.

Submit Sitemap to Bing,Yahoo Webmaster Tools:

After Google second biggest search engines are yahoo and bing. As you know guys bing and yahoo are same now.Submitting to bing is same as yahoo. Let's begin here.

Step1:Sign in with bing webmaster with your Gmail account.

Step2:Select blog or site as listed.
          If you don't add your site to webmaster then follow below steps
  • Add your blogspot to webmaster here.Then verify using ''meta tag'' as you did like Google verification.
Step3:''Configure my site'' and then ''sitemap''
  • Add ''sitemap.xml'' to your domain url ''http//:yourdamain/sitemap.xml''
Step4:''submit'' You are done.


At last your done!!Follow the instruction step by step and this is the best way to get your high traffic and visitors directly from Google.
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